Undergraduate forms and processes

SCAI undergraduate program forms

Late course drop/add

Late course drop/adds/withdrawals are only approved under extenuating circumstances. The Late Drop/Add Form can be found on the Registrar’s Website at: https://students.asu.edu/enrollmentchange. Remember to download the instructions and follow them very carefully.  Incomplete forms will not be processed.


Petitions Policies and Procedures


Submit petitions 10 business days before the start of the session (A, B, or C).

Petitions submitted after this deadline may not be reviewed in time for the session’s start

Submission Period

Petitions will be accepted once the course schedule for the next semester is live.

Petition Submission

Petition forms are available here.

All petitions must be typed and saved as a fillable PDF.

Send completed petitions to [email protected].

Each page of the petition must be completed. Incomplete petitions will not be accepted.

Review Process

The petition will be reviewed by your SCAI advisor, the department chair, and the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Dean’s Office.

All non Accelerated Masters students must submit petitions to enroll in graduate level courses for undergraduate credit or to reserve for graduate school.

International Letters for Sponsored Students

If you are an International Sponsored student and need a letter for your sponsor, please email [email protected]. In your email, specify the purpose of the letter and the information you would like to have included.

Please note, it is the student’s responsibility to submit completed study plans or curriculum plans if your sponsor requires this as part of the letter.