Ali Can KucukozyigitAssistant Teaching [email protected](480) 965-6330
Steve Ryan
Sue Lafond
Sue LafondManager Lead UG Advising Tempe FocusTempe campusUndergraduate advising
Heewook Lee
Heewook LeeAssistant ProfessorJoint appointment with The Biodesign Institute Research interestsComputational biology, bioinformatics, genetic [email protected] campus
Joohyung Lee
Joohyung LeeEmeritus Associate Professor Research interestsKnowledge representation and reasoning, computational logic, logic programming, logics in security, computational semantics of natural [email protected] (480) 965-2784 Tempe campus, BYENG 586 Research...
Yann-Hang Lee
Yann-Hang LeeProfessor Emeritus Research interestsReal-time computing, internet of things (IoT), embedded system and software, fault-tolerant computing, distributed computing, service-oriented computing, performance [email protected] (480) 727-7507 Tempe campus,...
Baoxin Li
Baoxin Li Associate Director for Academic and Student Affairs, School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence Professor Research interests Computer vision and pattern recognition, image/video processing, statistical methods in visual computing, machine...
Tim Lindquist
Tim LindquistProfessor Emeritus Research interestsSoftware engineering, distributed and mobile systems, web applications and programming languages [email protected] (480) 727-2783 Polytechnic campus, PRLTA 230 Research website
Huan Liu
Huan LiuRegents Professor Research interests Social computing, data/web mining, machine learning, feature selection, text [email protected] (480) 727-7349 Tempe campus, BYENG 566 Research website
Blanca Loera Martinez
Blanca Loera MartinezRetention Manager FocusTempe campusPolytechnic campusNEST/SOAR focus
Vanessa Lucero
Vanessa LuceroAcademic Success Advisor, Sr. FocusPolytechnic campusASU OnlineUndergraduate advising
Ross Maciejewski
Ross MaciejewskiDirector, School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence and ProfessorCo-director, Center for Accelerating Operational Efficiency, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Center of Excellence Research interestsInformation visualization, geographical...
Christopher Mar
Christopher MarInstructor Research interestsEngineering education, embedded [email protected] campus
Jennifer May
Jennifer MayAcademic Success Advisor Sr. FocusOnline campusGraduate advising
Daniel McCarville
Daniel McCarvilleProfessor of Practice Research interestsQuality engineering, industrial statistics, engineering [email protected](480) 727-7674Tempe campus, BYENG 350
Alexandra Mehlhase
Alexandra MehlhaseAssistant Teaching Professor Research interestsSoftware development methodologies, modeling and [email protected] campus
Ryan Meuth
Ryan MeuthAssistant Teaching Professor Research interestsExamining ways to improve engineering education, in particular the first year engineering [email protected](480) 727-6389Tempe campus, BYENG 438
Katina Michael
Katina MichaelProfessorJoint appointment with School for the Future of Innovation in Society Research interestsEmerging technologies, innovation, informatics, technology and society, policy and society, ubiquitous computing, digital media, wearable computing, embedded...
Ariane Middel
Ariane MiddelAssociate ProfessorJoint appointment with School of Arts, Media and Engineering Research interestsUrban climate, heat mitigation, thermal comfort, human biometeorology, modeling and simulation, microclimate, local climate, climate-sensitive urban design,...
Phillip Miller
Phill MillerAssistant Teaching [email protected](480) 965-5935Tempe campus, BYENG 436
Pitu Mirchandani
Pitu MirchandaniProfessor, The Avnet Chair in Supply Chain Networks Research interestsOptimization, decision-making under uncertainty, real-time control and logistics, application interests in urban service systems, transportation, and homeland...