Ruben AcunaAssistant Teaching Professor Research InterestsAlgorithm development, bioinformatics, data [email protected] campus, PRLTA 230K
Nouh Talal Alhindawi
Nouh Talal AlhindawiAssociate Teaching ProfessorSoftware engineering
Ali Altunkaya
Ali AltunkayaAssistant Teaching [email protected] Tempe campus
Jaejong Baek
Jaejong BaekAssistant Teaching ProfessorComputer science and [email protected]Tempe Campus699 S Mill Ave M1-38
Janaka Balasooriya
Janaka BalasooriyaAssociate Program Chair, Computer Systems EngineeringAssociate Teaching Professor Research interests Distributed, internet and grid computing, web service coordination primitives and system architectures, biological data integration and...
Tyler Baron
Tyler BaronAssistant Teaching [email protected](480) 727-3713Polytechnic campus
Nadya Bliss
Nadya BlissProfessor of PracticeExecutive Director, Global Security [email protected](480) 727-8313ISTB4, Tempe campus
Kevin Burger
Kevin BurgerAssistant Teaching Professor Research interestsEmbedded systems, introductory programming, data structures and algorithms, computer architecture and organization, web [email protected](480) 965-1493Tempe campus, BYENG 516
Lynn Robert Carter
Lynn Robert CarterProfessor of [email protected] Campus, BYENG 524
John Cavallaro
John CavallaroAssistant Teaching ProfessorIndustrial engineering, engineering [email protected] Campus
Linda Chattin
Linda ChattinTeaching Professor Research interestsDiscrete optimization, stochastic processes and probabilistic modeling, emergency service [email protected](480) 965-3811Tempe campus, BYENG 526
David Claveau
David ClaveauAssociate Teaching ProfessorComputer science and [email protected]Tempe Campus, BYENG 480
Maria Elena Chavez Echeagaray
Maria Elena Chavez EcheagarayAssistant Teaching Professor Research InterestsUser, customer and learner experience, human computing interaction, affective computing, educational technology, engineering education, intelligent tutor systems and software...
Yinong Chen
Yinong ChenTeaching Professor Research interestsService-oriented computing, embedded systems, fault-tolerant computing, distributed [email protected] (480) 965-2769 Tempe campus, BYENG 414 Research website
Michael Clough
Michael CloughAssistant Teaching Professor Research interestsMeasurement of nano/microscale mechanisms underlying thermofluidic and interfacial phenomena for design of nanoengineered solutions that enhance macroscale performance of a variety of industrial applications...
Gennaro De Luca
Gennaro De LucaAssistant Teaching Professor Research interestsQuantum computing, quantum machine learning, computer science [email protected] Tempe campus Research website
Yuli Deng
Yuli DengAssistant Teaching [email protected] campus
Pak Lun Kevin Ding
Pak Lun Kevin DingAssistant Teaching ProfessorComputer science and [email protected]Tempe Campus
Xuerong Feng
Xuerong FengAssociate Teaching Professor Research interestsAlgorithm design and analysis, including network algorithms, Bioinformatics algorithms and parallel [email protected](480) 965-2855Tempe campus, BYENG 512
Lydia K. Fritz
Lydia FritzAssociate Teaching [email protected] campus