Doctoral students prepare to present papers on AI disinformation and social media at data mining conference in April in Houston.

Doctoral students prepare to present papers on AI disinformation and social media at data mining conference in April in Houston.
Gail-Joon AhnProfessorDirector, Center for Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics Research interestsVulnerability and risk management, authentication and access control, security architecture for distributed systems, identity management, policy analysis and enforcement,...
Robert AtkinsonAssociate ProfessorDirector, iLUX (Innovative Learner and User Experience) Research interestsPersonalized learning, social media, learner analytics, mobile learning, cognitive science, usability testing, human-computer [email protected]...
Ajay BansalAssistant Professor Research interestsLogic programming, constraint programming, answer set programming, data mining, machine learning, semantic computing, service-oriented [email protected] (480) 727-1647 Polytechnic campus, PRLTA 230V...
Srividya BansalAssociate ProfessorProgram Chair, Software Engineering Research interestsSemantic computing, big data integration, semantics-based solutions for outcome-based instruction design in STEM education, delivery models for software engineering education; web...
Tiffany BaoAssistant Professor Research interestsSoftware security, automated binary analysis techniques, autonomous game-theoretical strategy for software vulnerabilities [email protected] Tempe campus Research website
Chitta BaralProfessor Research interestsKnowledge representation, temporal logics, logic programming, dynamic systems, text extraction, question answering, natural language semantics, bioinformatics [email protected] (480) 727-6047 Tempe campus, BYENG 572 Research...
Rida BazziAssociate Professor Research interestsComputer security, reliability, fault tolerance, distributed [email protected] (480) 965-2796 Tempe campus, BYENG 430 Research website
Heni Ben Amor Associate Professor Research interests AI, robotics, machine learning, motor skill acquisition, human-robot interaction, virtual [email protected] (480) 965-2253 Tempe campus, CTRPT 203 Research website
Chris BryanAssistant Professor Research interestsInformation visualization, visual analytics, virtual reality, data storytelling, data analysis, explainable machine learning and artificial intelligence; perception and cognition, human-computer Interaction, data...
Dragan BoscovicResearch Professor Research interestsMachine learning, cognitive networks, symbiotic relation between network and users, blockchain, tokenization protocol, digital [email protected] campus, BYENG 418Blockchain Research...
K. Selçuk CandanDirector, Center for Assured and SCAlable Data Engineering Research interestsDatabase systems, storage/querying/retrieval of multimedia and web data, heterogeneous information integration and retrieval, assistive technologies for information and data...
Charles ColbournProfessor Research interestsCombinatorial design theory, network algorithms and network [email protected] (480) 727-6631 Tempe campus, BYENG 444 Research website
James CollofelloProfessor and Vice Dean Research interestsSoftware engineering, software project management, software quality [email protected](480) 965-3733Tempe campus, BYENG 698
Partha DasguptaAssociate Professor Emeritus Research interestsComputer security, operating systems, distributed and parallel [email protected] (480) 965-5583 Tempe campus, BYENG 428
Hasan DavulcuProfessor Research interestsData mining, web and text mining, data cleaning and information extraction, workflows and semantic web services, database [email protected] (480) 965-6385 Tempe campus, BYENG 564 Research website
Adam DoupéAssociate ProfessorAssociate Director, Center for Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics Research interestsCyber security, web security, automated vulnerability analysis, mobile app security, static analysis, program analysis, hacking competitions, and...
Stephanie ForrestProfessorDirector, Biodesign Center for Biocomputing, Security and Society Research interestsTheoretical biology, modeling, simulation and cyberinfrastructure, cybersecurity, software development methodologies, evolutionary computation, biological...
Kevin GaryAssociate Professor Research interestsSoftware architecture and design, open source software, agile methods, applications in healthcare and [email protected](480) 727-1373Polytechnic campus, PRLTA 230C
Feng JuAssociate ProfessorProgram Chair, Industrial Engineering and Engineering ManagementGraduate Program Chair, Industrial Engineering Research interests Stochastic modeling and optimization of production system, semiconductor manufacturing, and healthcare systems...