Join us for SCAI AI Day

SCAI AI Day promotional graphic

The School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence (SCAI) at ASU’s Fulton Schools of Engineering is holding the 2023 AI Day at the Brickyard (699 S. Mill Avenue) in Tempe, Arizona from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. on Nov. 17, 2023.

There will be two sessions of talks on a wide range of topics including embedded AI, neurosymbolic reasoning, generative AI, language models, natural language understanding in robotics, analysis of satellite imagery, and multiple panel sessions.

In addition to AI Day on Nov. 17, we also would like to invite you to SCAI’s Meet AI Student Researchers event the day prior (Nov. 16) where we will showcase our brightest AI student researchers (graduate and undergraduate). It promises to be an exciting day of student research presentations and opportunities to meet and recruit some of our top students in AI.