IE master’s core comprehensive exam details
Industrial Engineering Master’s students must complete the four core courses (IEE 505 or 506, 545 or 561, 572, 573, or 578, and 574 or 575) by the end of the 18th semester hour applied to the Plan of Study (four of your first six iPOS classes, deficiency courses are not counted).
For Non-Thesis IE Graduate students, a written comprehensive examination must be taken no later than the first exam date immediately following the completion of the four core courses. You must achieve a 70% or higher cumulative score on the Comprehensive Exam to graduate. The Comprehensive Examination cannot be waived. Core examinations are held in Fall and Spring. To be eligible to take the exam a student must have an approved iPOS, Cumulative, Graduate and iPOS GPA of 3.0 or higher, have completed all the deficiency courses with a grade of “B” or higher, and completed at least 3 of the 4 of the core courses. The exam is on three out of the four subjects. The student chooses which three subjects they will be tested on.
Frequently asked questions
Q: What is the exam format?
A: The exam consists of three tests. When you register you will choose three of the four core courses for testing. Each test is graded on a 10-point basis, or 30 points for the exam. You will be given 2.5 hours to complete the exam (all three tests).
Q: Do I need to achieve a 70% on each of the three tests over the Core courses that I selected?
A: No, you must achieve 70% (21 of 30 points) on the entire exam.
Q: I can take the exam a second time? When?
A: A student who fails the comprehensive examination is allowed to retake the examination, one time only, in the test period immediately following the period in which the examination was failed. In order to re-take the exam, you must file a petition that will be reviewed by the Industrial Engineering Graduate Program Committee and the Graduate College. The petition must be approved prior to taking the exam. All decisions are final. Any student who fails to successfully pass the retake of the comprehensive exam may be withdrawn from the degree program.
Q: Can I review my exam after it has been graded?
A: Review of comprehensive examination grading is allowed for a two-week period following the posting of results. This will be done along with the student’s advisor in the Advising Office. No review will be allowed after two weeks.
Q: Can I take the exam before filing my Plan of Study (iPOS)?
A: No, you must have an approved Plan of Study (iPOS) with the School of Engineering and the Graduate College.
Q: Can I take the exam on a core course that I am currently enrolled?
A: No, because you have not completed/taken all the exams in the class. Hence, you may be at a disadvantage.