Research opportunities available in STAM Center
The Secure, Trusted, and Assured Microelectronics (STAM) Center has a number of Graduate Research Assistant positions in the specific topic areas below. This recruiting effort has specific goals. So please read these requirements carefully.
- Student candidate is at least starting their second year at ASU;
- Student candidate is looking for research opportunities for an M.S. thesis or to explore admission into the doctoral program. Please make sure to submit your application with a brief research statement.
Topic areas
- Formal Methods Application;
- Domain-Specific Language Development – the ideal candidate needs to be prolific in C/C++ programmer with assembly and binary programming experience;
- Secure Compiler Development – good knowledge of LLVM;
- Secure Operating Systems Design;
- Applied Cryptography.
Both M.S. and 4+1 students who meet the requirements are encouraged to apply by sending their (1) CV, (2) ASU transcript, and (3) short research statement (all in PDF format) to [email protected].
Additional technical details on the positions
Technical requirements for the operation systems positions:
- Extensive experience in C/C++
- Good knowledge of low-level details of operating systems including Linux or Unix-like microkernel-based OS such as QNX
- Knowledge of runtime and compiler systems software
Technical requirements for the applied cryptography positions:
- Strong background in abstract algebra, linear algebra, number theory and probability theory
- Knowledge of classical methods and techniques of applied cryptography including RSA, Diffie-Hellman, Elliptic Curve and Lattice-Based cryptosystems
- Understanding of the construction of cryptographic primitives such as stream ciphers, block ciphers, and hash functions
Technical requirements for the formal methods positions:
- Knowledge of formal method techniques, type systems, and functional programming languages
- Symbolic logic and theorem proving
- Practical formal verification experience including abstraction and end-to-end checking using formal engines or simulators
- Develop checking algorithms, assertions, program analysis, constraint-solving, and FV models
Note: Multiple positions are available.