Norma Faris Hubele retired from Arizona State University in 2006 after more than two decades teaching statistics and industrial engineering, including a year as interim chair of the industrial engineering program and two years as the first director of strategic initiatives in ASU’s Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering.

Faris Hubele’s career began at ASU in 1984 when she became only the third woman hired to join a faculty of more than 100 engineering professors. Her trail-blazing achievements included negotiating a work-family balance with reduced teaching, research and service responsibilities while rising through the ranks to become a full professor.

Faris Hubele put herself on a path to a productive teaching and research career by earning an undergraduate degree in mathematics, a master’s degree in operations research and statistics and a doctoral degree in computer and systems engineering.

Years later, her resume highlighted the publication of more than 50 of her papers in research journals, in addition to many academic and industry conference presentations. Those accomplishments helped to open the doors to membership in the American Statistical Association, the Society of Automotive Engineering, the National Safety Council and the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine.

She also coauthored the popular textbook “Engineering Statistics” with Fulton Schools Professors Douglas Montgomery and George Runger and co-edited “Statistical Process Control in Automated Manufacturing” with the now late ASU Professor Emeritus J. Bert Keats.

Upon retirement, Faris Hubele was given the honorary title of emeritus professor in what today is the School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence, part of the Fulton Schools.

So, it was time to simply rest on her laurels, right?

No, far from it.

Read the full story on Full Circle.