K. Selçuk CandanDirector, Center for Assured and SCAlable Data Engineering Research interestsDatabase systems, storage/querying/retrieval of multimedia and web data, heterogeneous information integration and retrieval, assistive technologies for information and data...
Cloud and distributed computing and networking
Partha Dasgupta
Partha DasguptaAssociate Professor Emeritus Research interestsComputer security, operating systems, distributed and parallel [email protected] (480) 965-5583 Tempe campus, BYENG 428
Andrea Richa
Andrea RichaPresident's Professor Research interestsSelf-organizing particle systems, programmable matter, bio-inspired algorithms, distributed computing and algorithms, theory of wireless communication, graph, randomized, and approximation algorithms,...
Hessam Sarjoughian
Hessam SarjoughianAssociate Professor Research interestsAgent-based modeling, multiformalism modeling, simulation-based design, software [email protected] (480) 965-3983 Tempe campus, BYENG 476 Research website
Stephen Yau
Stephen YauProfessor Research interestsTrust management and security, software engineering, distributed systems, service based systems, ubiquitous/pervasive [email protected](480) 965-2647Tempe campus, BYENG 488
Ming Zhao
Ming ZhaoAssociate ProfessorDirector, Center for Accelerated Real Time Analytics Research interestsCloud and edge computing, machine learning and big data systems, high-performance computing, operating and storage [email protected] (480) 727-7850 Tempe campus,...