Advisor/Student Responsibilities
Advisor/student responsibilities
Student responsibilities
- Acquire the information needed to assume final responsibility for course scheduling, program planning, and successful degree completion. Frequent meetings with an academic advisor may help student to be better informed about what is required for their degree completion.
- Have a thorough understanding of university/engineering policies and procedures.
- Be aware of important dates and deadlines through the Academic Calendar available in My ASU.
- Check ASU email account regularly. The ASU email account is the central communication method of the university and of the SCAI Advising Center.
- Come to advising appointments on time and prepared with questions.
- Seek assistance when needed from your academic advisor.
Advisor responsibilities
- Develop a thorough knowledge of university policies, procedures, degree requirements and academic options throughout the university.
- Assist students with making educational plans that align with the student’s goals, abilities and interests.
- Make students aware of the vigorous critical requirements of engineering degrees in SCAI.
- Establish whether or not a student is eligible for a major change into a major within SCAI.
- Educate students on degree requirements, which include HU/SB requirements, Math and Lab Science requirements, and core required courses and prerequisites.
- Offer recommendations and strategies for academic success.
- Refer student’s to the appropriate university services/departments as needed.